Category Archives: Web design

When link lists attack!

* An open letter to Jakob Nielsen, from Design by Fire. Let’s end vicious punditry and promote good design from day one of a product. You can’t bolt on usability. * Syncato, a very cool, XML-based CMS that really shows … Continue reading

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Google goes local – forgets sort?

But a comment… what’s up with Google’s “new” local search (in case you are Andy Rooney). It’s a great idea, but what interface designer fell asleep at the wheel… on the results page you can’t sort by distance. You can … Continue reading

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A case against sidebars

I was reading this good article about software commoditization over at, today and I paused when I hit the article’s sidebar on the use of the word commodity in Shakespeare’s works. I was torn… a ‘graph to the left … Continue reading

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I hate client-side scripting!

Hate’s a strong word, but appropriate. I was working on a quick little script to show/hide the answers to a quiz (not going live till Sunday) that a co-worker was creating. She wanted to do this with a pop-up window, … Continue reading

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Un-fixing your layout, fixing your CSS

MediaSavvy brings up two points about fixed-width layouts: 1. Fixed-width layouts should be flush left: I’m not so sure about this one. When I’m going to a new site I don’t expect any of that sites UI elements to be … Continue reading

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