Category Archives: Web design

Like the nipple ring

The firestorm brewing over TypeKey is raging to new heights. There was something about the whole bru-ha-ha (aside: who remembers Wolf3D) that reminded me of an event being blown out of proportion. BurningBird brings up the point that has been … Continue reading

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If you can’t fail gracefully…

Don’t blame the user, this message brought to you by Jeremy Zawodny. If you can’t, just can’t, provide a limited or reduced-functionality version of your site/software/widget/widget-as-a-rental-service etc. then don’t blame the user. Afterall it’s not that their browsers don’t support … Continue reading

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Reading (BYOR)*

It’s a busy day at work, I’ll post some of the neat-o-keen ™ MT hacks I’ve worked up later. Meanwhile…. * Mark has a great take on TypeKey. Also, check out his entry on assets and Web logs. * ALA … Continue reading

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I blog humbled

Jeffrey Veen captures in words better than I have, or probably ever will, what it is to design for the Web. Here’s my big secret for you today. When you design for the Web — that is, when you design … Continue reading

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News design is flawed… and smoking is bad for you!

Winner, in my book, of the No Duh Award, is this great interview with Alan Jacobson. The problem is that, except for me, and a select few, this is news. (In case you hadn’t heard, smoking is bad for you, … Continue reading

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