Category Archives: Web design

(Word)Pressed into service

[]( is now powered by [WordPress 1.5]( I had the site up and running under various nightly builds for a while now, and it was mostly pre-occupied-idness that delayed me from making the switch. I love the new [WordPress theme … Continue reading

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The ‘new business’ paradigm

I don’t think that the vast complex web that is the Internet can really be boiled down into a PowerPoint-able bullet point. But for those media executives who need such a thing: * On the Internet, it’s about users first, … Continue reading

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iMac delivery: officially freaking out

You don’t ever want to see this: What, in God’s name, is a delivery exception: myiMac.deliver() Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 1, in ? AttributeError: ‘AppleProduct’ object has no attribute ‘deliver’ That’s a delivery exception! 🙂 Methinks … Continue reading

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Apple’s post-purchase branding

This is only the second time I’ve bought something from [Apple](, and the first time I’ve bought something from them online. And I must say, they need to work on their post-purchase branding. I’m not a marketer, so that might … Continue reading

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Javascript development of yesteryear

If you had to do javascript development before [Firefox]( brought us the Javascript console… I feel for you. I just finished working on some NCAA bracket Javascript [at work](, and it was painful enough as is… I can’t imagine not … Continue reading

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