Category Archives: Web design

Taking a liking to digital replicas?

The News Hour has a piece about how more users and publishers are taking to digital replica editions. I haven’t personally used them, but I’ve seen demos. I don’t particularly like them. As a designer, I think they suffer from … Continue reading

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Two points

Ok, three. I’m still alive, but busy. I’m hoping to post more regularly soon. I’m working on a big project at work that I hope to announce soon, and I’m also working on a big personal project… stay tuned for … Continue reading

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Well, I’m back from my interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Here’s what I learned: is a really cool site They have a really great staff, with whom I’d love to work Dress shoes should be purchased for comfort, not … Continue reading

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The job hunt(ed)

I finally post some updates about the job hunt, and read about how the blogosphere may help get me a job. Continue reading

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RSS change

Not to be considered a hypocrite, I’ve changed my RSS feed to only show an excerpt and link back to the full article, ala Zeldman.

Posted in Web design | 1 Comment