Category Archives: Web design

Site improvements

As you can see,, has taken on a slight new look. I’ve switched to a sans-serif typeface for everything but blockquotes, and I’ve adjusted some of the color scheme here and there. I also moved the historic photo of … Continue reading

Posted in Site News, Web design | 1 Comment

There’s nothing like a click

Flyout menus: I don’t like ’em. I don’t want ’em. Recently, my employer,, switched to using flyout menus, and many other Web sites and Web applications use them. I understand the need. As a designer, you have to constantly … Continue reading

Posted in Web design | 3 Comments

Usability of digital editions

“E-media Tidbits”: has an item about the usability of digital replica editions. (See “previous”: While I can’t read German, the overview presented indicated that its seen as an extension of the print version, rather than the Web and that it … Continue reading

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Video ads on news sites

“Editor and Publisher”: reports that the two “Denver”: “papers”: have begun “selling video ads”: I was unable to find any of those ads on the site today, but the “E&P article”: says that they do *not* start playing automatically — … Continue reading

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Breaking news makes the case for standards

E-media Tidbits has an item about how the San Diego Union-Tribune was swamped as the nation hit their servers to find out about the wildfires. Just a friendly reminder from Waspy the standards bug: Standards-based layouts save you bandwith! Some … Continue reading

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