Category Archives: Web design

The Duke of URLs

Whitespace has a good discussion going on about directory structure and thinking about it in advance. Directory structure is important to system administrators, URL structure is important to designers. But, Chris, you say, aren’t the two inherently linked? Won’t /www/news/metro23.html … Continue reading

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News industry should donate to open source projects

While the discussion on XUL vs. XAML has quieted down a bit, I think it’s worth bringing the issue to the attention of the news industry. I’m not sure if we’ll ever be in the business of making “news applications” … Continue reading

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The New York Times hosed my computer

This story doesn’t get any better. I mentioned earlier that the New York Times was running a Java applet video ad that caused my home computer to wig out. At work, it seems, the applet causes my computer (G4 Mirrored … Continue reading

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N.Y. Times has video ads done wrong

I’m not suprised that the New York Times has video ads — they’ve tended to be pioneers in ad formats — but I’m suprised that they’re done so badly. This morning I was trying to read this story when all … Continue reading

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Begun these layout wars have

There’s a layout battle brewing in the blogosphere that’s sure to ripple out to the rest of the Web design community. Several prominent bloggers have begun switching to fixed-width layouts for their site. Whitespace makes several points about legibility and … Continue reading

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