Category Archives: Programming

Agility in a nutshell: Look, try, learn, repeat; favor easy change

What to do: Find out where you are Take a small step towards your goal Adjust your understanding based on what you learned Repeat How to do it: When faced with two of more alternatives that deliver roughly the same … Continue reading

Posted in Kanban, Management, Programming | Comments Off on Agility in a nutshell: Look, try, learn, repeat; favor easy change

Django continuous integration with Hudson and Nose

How to set up continuous testing, with coverage, of your Django project in Hudson. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python, Technology | 17 Comments

Setup Django with mod_wsgi on your Mac

Logged for your pleasure, and mine: the steps I went through to setup mod_wsgi on my Mac for local development of Django apps. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python | 4 Comments

Memcached and WordPress MU

A step-by-step walkthrough to get WordPress and WordPressMU working with memcached. Continue reading

Posted in Programming, Technology | 6 Comments

A short introduction to Django and Gearman

Notes from my lightning talk at DjangoCon 2009 on Gearman, a distributed work queue. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python | 2 Comments