Category Archives: Technology

Django continuous integration with Hudson and Nose

How to set up continuous testing, with coverage, of your Django project in Hudson. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python, Technology | 17 Comments

Setup Django with mod_wsgi on your Mac

Logged for your pleasure, and mine: the steps I went through to setup mod_wsgi on my Mac for local development of Django apps. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python | 4 Comments

Memcached and WordPress MU

A step-by-step walkthrough to get WordPress and WordPressMU working with memcached. Continue reading

Posted in Programming, Technology | 6 Comments

A short introduction to Django and Gearman

Notes from my lightning talk at DjangoCon 2009 on Gearman, a distributed work queue. Continue reading

Posted in Django, Programming, Python | 2 Comments

Directory support in pywatch 0.4

The latest version of pywatch now watches whole directories. Continue reading

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