By day, I'm a product manager serving a group of fantastic engineers at Square.
By night, I fight crime and solve mysteries with a robot pal of my own creation.
By midday, I like a snack, generally a cookie.
Part of this biography isn't true (hint, I like cookies and engineering, I don't own a robot)
Category Archives: Management
Beyond the click-through
The New York Times has a good article about the ever changing face of advertising metrics. Google is now offering a piece of code that advertisers can place on their site to track users that come from Google-placed ads. The … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Management
Value of going public?
Courtesy of GMSV, comes a good reason not to put your company in the hands of the masses. A recent paper I did for my ethics class showed how publicly-traded newspaper companies generally take a short term approach and cut … Continue reading
Posted in Management
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