By day, I'm a product manager serving a group of fantastic engineers at Square.
By night, I fight crime and solve mysteries with a robot pal of my own creation.
By midday, I like a snack, generally a cookie.
Part of this biography isn't true (hint, I like cookies and engineering, I don't own a robot)
Category Archives: Blogmarks
Concentrics’ Bakeshop to open on Peachtree
Concentrics’ Bakeshop to open on Peachtree – Glad that something is moving into the Gold Star spot on Peachtree. Not sure I wanted it to be a tempting patisserie!
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High level overview of Scrum, Lean and kanban
High level overview of Scrum, Lean and kanban – A pretty decent high-level overview of the evolution from Scrum to Lean.
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“John Smoltz wants to make one point perfectly clear: He is not finished.”
"John Smoltz wants to make one point perfectly clear: He is not finished." – No, I'm pretty sure he is.
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Business advice plagued by survivor bias
Business advice plagued by survivor bias – I'd extend that to a.) technology advice b.) product advice c.) journalism advice d.) social media advice and on and on and on.
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MSNBC.com acquires EveryBlock
MSNBC.com acquires EveryBlock – Congratulations to the whole Everyblock team, I'm glad MSNBC saw the value in local data aggregation and the relationships and technical talent it takes to make it happen.
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