By day, I'm a product manager serving a group of fantastic engineers at Square.
By night, I fight crime and solve mysteries with a robot pal of my own creation.
By midday, I like a snack, generally a cookie.
Part of this biography isn't true (hint, I like cookies and engineering, I don't own a robot)
Author Archives: Chris Heisel
Naked Agile
Naked Agile – Here's the subject the presentation was setting up, I've been feeling the same gut reaction — supposedly agile processes feel more process and less result oriented.
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Agile (as practiced today) is the new Waterfall
Agile (as practiced today) is the new Waterfall – Great presentation on the problems that Agile has inherited from Waterfall. It sets up a new methodology called "Naked Agile" but doesn't really get into it, which is a shame. But … Continue reading
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The Management Myth
The Management Myth – A good analysis of what's wrong (and been wrong) with management and MBA programs for a long while.
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Announcing basecampreporting and django-baseboard
At [work](http://www.ajc.com), we use [Basecamp](http://www.basecamphq.com/), a lot. We use it for design projects, development projects, and projects that have no design or development components whatsoever. Our project teams like Basecamp because of its focus on communication, but we’ve found that … Continue reading
Posted in BasecampReporting, Programming, Python
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Star Wars / Macgyver opening
Star Wars / Macgyver opening – Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Hilarious. (I'm a sucker for trailer remixes and the like…)
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