By day, I'm a product manager serving a group of fantastic engineers at Square.
By night, I fight crime and solve mysteries with a robot pal of my own creation.
By midday, I like a snack, generally a cookie.
Part of this biography isn't true (hint, I like cookies and engineering, I don't own a robot)
Author Archives: Chris Heisel
Python complexity highlighling in Vim
Python complexity highlighling in Vim – If you needed a reason to use Vim, this is it. And it is hot. Hot.
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Why I like Redis
Why I like Redis – Redis is a sexy key/value store, similar to memcache but suited for more of a no-SQL application. I like how Simon is using it for offline data processing and transformation.
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“The Office”, deeper than you may think
"The Office", deeper than you may think – A great, and long, analysis that feel unsettlingly accurate
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Django at the AJC
Django at the AJC – Zellyn gave a great recap of all the Django work we've done at the AJC for the Python Atlanta Users Group.
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Setup Django with mod_wsgi on your Mac
Logged for your pleasure, and mine: the steps I went through to setup mod_wsgi on my Mac for local development of Django apps. Continue reading
Posted in Django, Programming, Python