Unstructured thought for the day: hiring new journalists

So as a starting point for discussion and not in a and-so-it-shall-be sort of way, a stream of questions one might considering asking when making new hires:

* When did you first get on the Internet?
* Do you blog?
* Do you comment on other blogs and sites?
* Have you worked with [Google Analytics](http://www.google.com/analytics/) or [WordPress](http://wordpress.com) stats before?
* Do you post photos to [Flickr](http://flickr.com)?
* Videos to [YouTube](http://youtube.com) or [Vimeo](http://vimeo.com)?
* What mobile device are you carrying right now?
* What mobile device would you carry if price wasn’t a concern?
* Do you share links on [delicious](http://delicious.com) or [reddit](http://www.reddit.com/) or [digg](http://digg.com)?
* Vote on links on [reddit](http://www.reddit.com/) or [digg](http://digg.com)?
* Why would someone use [Twitter](http://twitter.com)? [Facebook](http://facebook.com)?
* What sites, if any do you pay to use?
* What publications, if any, do you pay to read in print?
* When I say “scale” what does that mean to you?
* What are you passionate about?

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