Monthly Archives: September 2008

New York Times releasing document viewer, missing the point

[E-media Tidbits]( is reporting that the [New York Times]( is [releasing an open-source document viewer]( To be fully buzzword compliant it’s both built in [Ruby on Rails]( and there’ll be [Amazon EC2 instances available]( (Actually the EC2 instance is kind … Continue reading

Posted in Journalism, Programming, Technology | 4 Comments

Django in the Enterprise

Long-time readers [know]( of my [dislike]( for the word [enterprise](, but the truth is that many of us work for just such a beast. Luckily I get to use [Django](htttp:// at my [job]( and I thought I’d share what little … Continue reading

Posted in Django, Python | 2 Comments

Rocky Mountain News ‘Tweets’ the funeral of 3-year old boy killed in ice cream shop

Rocky Mountain News ‘Tweets’ the funeral of 3-year old boy killed in ice cream shop – Journalism FAIL. Decency FAIL. Getting it FAIL. (via The Colorado Independent )

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Mollom – Interesting anti-spam service that's similar to Akismet. Instead of simply tagging it spam or ham, it'll also allow "unsure" comments to be challenged with a captcha. Developed by the Drupal folks but it works with WordPress and it … Continue reading

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Postalicious – I'm trying this out in lieu of my own abandonware, if it works I'll probably kill

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