Monthly Archives: February 2008

Online ads are priced right

There’s a good interview with the [CEO of an online ad firm at Silicon Alley Insider]( that raises a very good point about **Internet advertising rates**: Moore: The fact of the matter is the Internet has been either dramatically underpriced … Continue reading

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Quote of the day: NITF

“OMG I can hear the clunking sounds coming from the [NITF website](” — IM conversation with [Zellyn](

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My first Django snippet: Another Memcache status view

Hooray! I posted by first Django snippet today. It’s a [status view for your memcache server(s)]( I had originally used [this snippet](, but the regex and socket thing never quite sat right with me. Turns out that django.core.cache has a … Continue reading

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So [Yelp]( is uh, totally missing the boat on RSS. They’ve got a [a page listing their meager RSS offerings]( I’m not sure why they’re rolling feeds out city by city, in most systems if you’ve built in the ability … Continue reading

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My favorite Web development laws

From the [great list over at Blue Flavor]( ###Lister’s Law### People under time pressure don’t think faster. ###Hofstadter’s Law### A task always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.

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