A quick heads-up to any Atlanta area Pythonistas and Djangoistas, I’ll be giving a brief talk at the the September [Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts meeting](http://www.ale.org/new/index.php). As of this morning their Web site didn’t list the meeting, but it’s Sept. 13 at the Emory Law School.
In other AJC/Django news, [Maura Chace](http://www.notmyself.com/), one of our fantastic Django developers at [the AJC](http://www.ale.org/new/index.php) has a great writeup on [integrating Mint with Django](http://www.notmyself.com/posts/2007/aug/20/minty-django/).
Props to Maura for getting listed in the [Django Weekly Roundup](http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2007/aug/26/djangoroundup/)!