Monthly Archives: February 2005

(Word)Pressed into service

[]( is now powered by [WordPress 1.5]( I had the site up and running under various nightly builds for a while now, and it was mostly pre-occupied-idness that delayed me from making the switch. I love the new [WordPress theme … Continue reading

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Recipe for Web design success.

Recipe for Web design success. How to sell your clients/bosses on yummy, and valid, deserts.

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Nobody wants free ‘groupware.’

Nobody wants free ‘groupware.’ Or why you make software for users, not managers.

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The ‘new business’ paradigm

I don’t think that the vast complex web that is the Internet can really be boiled down into a PowerPoint-able bullet point. But for those media executives who need such a thing: * On the Internet, it’s about users first, … Continue reading

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Teens: No respect for First Amendement, what about blogs?

The Knight Foundation recently released a [study showing a disturbing lack of respect by teens]( for the [First Amendment]( One question that went unanswered, or at least unmentioned in the Knight Foundation’s release, was what do the students think about … Continue reading

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