Monthly Archives: January 2005

Subway – A Python Web framework

Subway – A Python Web framework They say it’s like Ruby on Rails for Python… must investigate more.

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Your very own smart radio station with iTunes

Your very own smart radio station with iTunes I’m going to start trying this, immediately!

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Whatcha doing? PyObjC and WordPress

This is the first in what I hope will be a series of posts called, unceremoniously, Whatcha doing? So, without further ado, here’s what I’m doing: * Learning [PyObjC]( for a photo gallery project at [work]( A previous version of … Continue reading

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memcached Wow, this does a distributed memory cache of web views, has a ton of language support.

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The Marathon Trilogy Release

The Marathon Trilogy Release I can’t tell you how many nights at The ‘Eater were spent playing this…

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