Monthly Archives: April 2003

RSS change

Not to be considered a hypocrite, I’ve changed my RSS feed to only show an excerpt and link back to the full article, ala Zeldman.

Posted in Web design | 1 Comment

The design is the message

Zeldman, in the course of several days has gone from saying, rightfully, that the design is an inherent part of content and that’s why he didn’t have an RSS feed, to creating his own hand-rolled feed. He apparently got some … Continue reading

Posted in Web design | 1 Comment

Yeah, I want to see that ad

Steve Outing brings up an interesting solution to a problem that not many of us think about: wanting to see an ad that rotated out. He suggests placing a link that lets you go back and forward through the rotating … Continue reading

Posted in Business | 3 Comments

Forward, fast

The new version of Opera comes with an interesting new feature: fast forwarding. The browser can detect link-next elements and allow users to move forward through a site from the brower’s forward button. While many people visit news sites looking … Continue reading

Posted in Web design | 1 Comment

Copy, edit thyself

I caught this at 12:09 p.m. CST. You can automate workflow, you can generate pages on the fly, but it don’t matter a lick if your caption is missing the word “the.”

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